Sunday, July 31, 2011

SHARKS: Porbeagle, Great White or Basking shark?

Hello Art:  What do you think this is? Side to side swimming..I thought I would send this along..he was at Schooner Cove Weir (Fundy Drive) around 7:02. He was surfaced and stayed on top for about 5 minutes then found the weir. Thanks for all you do!! Love the blog  KH

I was guessing Porbeagle, but much larger they say. If so, probably a basking shark. One sighted by Quoddy Link in the same area but it doesn't look like the same fin! Could it be a Great White?

Quoddy Link photo:

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  1. Could the fin be the same in each photo, but with one just higher out of the water?

  2. Possible. Funny no one wants to say the GW name out loud. They do occur here.

  3. Art,
    I admit that I have been a silent reader for several years, but I enjoy staying in contact with the Passamaquoddy scene... Thank you.
    Based on the trailing edge of the fin, I am fairly sure that this was a basking shark.

    Jim Beckett
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